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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Microsoft Technologies for Consumerization

The workplace is changing. The boundaries between peoples’ professional and personal lives are blurring. Work is no longer confined to the office. Employees check work email at home during the night and update their social media at the office during the day. In addition to their desktop computers, they're using portable computers, slates, and smartphones.

Contributing to this trend is the increasing computing power that’s available on a wide range of devices. Consumer devices, including smartphones and media tablets, are becoming powerful enough to run applications that were previously restricted to desktop and portable computers. For many workers, these devices represent the future of computing and help them do their job more efficiently.

In a world in which highly managed information technology (IT) infrastructures can seem inflexible, workers prefer to use the many consumer devices available to them. For IT, the challenge is to embrace consumerization as appropriate while minimizing risks to the enterprise and its data. Many consumer devices were not initially designed for business use, so IT must plan carefully to enable the level of management and control they require.

As a leader in business and consumer technologies, Microsoft is in a unique position to understand and provide guidance on how to responsibly embrace consumerization within enterprises. In a previous white paper, Strategies for Embracing Consumerization, you'll find specific strategies for embracing the latest consumerization trends. This article explores specific technologies that the aforementioned white paper recommends in its various scenarios.

In this article:

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