To leverage the benefits of the cloud, IT organizations will have to change their skillsets in short order, and that means investing in training, consulting and hiring. Where do you fit in?
Editor's Note: Align Your Skills to Meet the New Demand
IT professionals who can adapt their skills for the new requirements of cloud computing will find immediate and long-term payoff.
IT professionals who can adapt their skills for the new requirements of cloud computing will find immediate and long-term payoff.
New Roles and Skills for Cloud Computing
This is a good time to put some lines in the sand around what skills are required as the cloud creeps into our IT universe.
This is a good time to put some lines in the sand around what skills are required as the cloud creeps into our IT universe.
Network World: Steer Your Career to the Cloud
Cloud computing creates new career paths for savvy IT professsionals.
Cloud computing creates new career paths for savvy IT professsionals.
TechNet Magazine: Bulletproof Your IT Career
There are some positive steps you can take to solidify and advance your career, even in these challenging times.
There are some positive steps you can take to solidify and advance your career, even in these challenging times.
TechNet Magazine: Develop Your Brand
There are some positive steps you can take to solidify and advance your career, even in these challenging times.
There are some positive steps you can take to solidify and advance your career, even in these challenging times.
Survey Results: Cloud Computing as an Engine of Growth
The objective of the survey is better understand IT decision-makers across multiple industries, and their current and planned adoptions of cloud-based technology solutions to grow revenue, launch new lines of business, hire staff and innovate.
The objective of the survey is better understand IT decision-makers across multiple industries, and their current and planned adoptions of cloud-based technology solutions to grow revenue, launch new lines of business, hire staff and innovate.
InformationWeek's 2011 Salary Survey: Why Are IT Pros So Worried?
After a decade of hard knocks, IT pros earn modest raises, InformationWeek's annual U.S. IT Salary Survey shows, but they face plenty of uncertainty ahead.
After a decade of hard knocks, IT pros earn modest raises, InformationWeek's annual U.S. IT Salary Survey shows, but they face plenty of uncertainty ahead.
TechAmerica Foundation Report: Cloud First, Cloud Fast -- Recommendations for Innovation, Leadership and Job Creation (.pdf)
The Commission on the Leadership Opportunity in U.S. Deployment of the Cloud (CLOUD2) developed the report at the encouragement of the Federal Chief Information Officer and the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Commission's mandate was to generate recommendations for accelerating adoption of cloud technologies.
The Commission on the Leadership Opportunity in U.S. Deployment of the Cloud (CLOUD2) developed the report at the encouragement of the Federal Chief Information Officer and the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Commission's mandate was to generate recommendations for accelerating adoption of cloud technologies.
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